Last seen: Nov 22, 2024
I like these drills. They seem doable, even with a broken toe ? Also, "Solo drills" is a fantastic topic, under which others could post solo drills...
One thing I have not yet done is link the store up to the website. Definitely on my list!
I don't immediately have the ruleset near me, but in advanced, I'd plan to deal with them. Your gameplan does do this, though, with no time spent ...
@chandler-hartford Thanks! Appreciate the comment ?
Love it, @mike-ouellette The Gracies always rub their palms together at chest height, or just "talk with their hands" up there, which is what I teac...
@matt-karle Thank you! So far, I've gotten some good feedback, and have already made a few tweaks. Still working on eliminating the "pending moder...
Please note the 3/15 early registration date, after which price jumps from $65 up to $85 Sign up when it makes the most sense. Still interested ...
Thanks @esteban-alvarez ! Look, I @mentioned you! (To @ mention, find the grey username below avatar)
Divisions are: 0-1 years grappling: Beginner (no wrestlers) 1-3 years: Intermediate 3-5 years: Advanced 5+ years: Expert You're in the r...